Saturday, February 16, 2019

The impossibility of sainthood, Rock (2)

The Weight by the Band

(Rock, the sainthood-seeking errand reptile in a pilgrim's progress)

"From its very conception, then, "The Weight" taps into both the spiritual and the real. It chronicles the increasingly complex trip of a sainthood-seeking errand boy—a do-gooder pilgrim who finds his progress hindered by a cast of curious characters. But these characters were pulled from the streets of Fayetteville and Turkey Scratch, not from the New Testament. The temptations, complications, and growing burdens of the narrator's errand were proffered not by visitors from the other side, but from the common-yet-fantastic characters who walk life's very real streets.
Inspired by Buñuel but populated by Arkansans, the song is most simply about the burdens we all carry. The "weight" is the load that we shoulder when we take on responsibility or when we try to do good. But it's also the heaviness that presses down on us when we fall into "sin" or wrestle with "temptation." (from

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