Friday, April 10, 2020

Ecology and COVID-19. Approaches

Ecología y #COVID-19. Consideraciones

#coronavirus, seclusion day 28

Due to quarantines, mother Earth is cleansing, nature is breathing as emissions into the air are dropping and water spills are clearing up. Noise pollution is settling too. Natural wildlife—undisturbed—is returning home. Oceans cleanse of dirt. Dolphins and swans are to be seen in cities by the coast or the river. Canals are full of fish. Birds are chirping. Starry nights and the Milky Way unveil as smog lifts up. This isn’t apocalypse. It is an awakening. Humans are the virus, Coronavirus is the healing.

As ecologists regard all life samples worth protecting (regardless of their stance to abortion often), do the so-called #ecofascists consider coronavirus a blessing? They deny.

The weak will die but the Earth will save herself. When #deep ecology spins off to human existence being unsustainable and population shrinking being not enough, environmentalist ideology might ultimately aim at human extinction. If such is the case, should the tag be #ecofascism, or rather #neomisanthropism, #anti-homo-sapiensism, #transhumanism, etc.? Whatever the name, it will depend on the sense we give to the word “extinction” (from literal, to returning humanity to a primitive state, or to transcending it to a new one) and how far we are going in the name of environment and climate change.

Debido a las cuarentenas, la madre tierra se limpia, la naturaleza respira conforme las emisiones al aire caen y las aguas se aclaran. La contaminación acústica decae. La vida salvaje —imperturbada— vuelve a casa. Los océanos se depuran de suciedad. Delfines y cisnes aparecen ante nuestros ojos en las ciudades costeras y fluviales. Los canales se llenan de peces. Los pájaros pían. Las noches estrelladas y la Vía Láctea se desvelan cuando se alza el telón de suciedad. Esto no es el apocalipsis. Es un despertar. Los humanos son el virus. El coronavirus es la cura.

Los ecologistas contemplan toda forma de vida como digna de protección (independientemente de su posición respecto al aborto). ¿Consideran los denominados #ecofascistas el coronavirus una bendición? Niegan.

Los débiles morirán pero la tierra se salvará. Cuando la #ecología profunda deriva en que la existencia humana es insostenible y la caída de población no es suficiente, la ideología del medioambiente aspira, en última instancia, a la extinción humana. Si tal es el caso, ¿cuál debería ser la etiqueta #ecofascismo, o mejor #neomisantropismo, #anti-homo-sapientismo, #transhumanismo…? Cualquiera el nombre, este dependerá del sentido que se le dé a la palabra #extinción (desde el literal, a el de vuelta de la humanidad a un estado anterior, o al de transcendencia de la misma a uno nuevo) y a cómo de lejos se quiera llegar en nombre del medioambiente y del cambio climático.

Key views in Enviromentalist Ethics according to Sarah Foo

TAGS: Michael E. Zimmerman, Savitri Devi Mukherji, Deep ecology, Harari, Sapiens,  social ecology, Bookchin, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Dave Foreman, Earth First, 8kun, 8chan, Garret Hurdin, Lifeboat ethics, Eco-nationalism, Ethnonationalism, ecofascism, ecofash, Eco-terrorism, Christchurch shooting, El Paso shooting, ecocentrism, ecocentrism, Sarah Foo, ecobalance, ecoequilibrio.

Photo: Lorenzo Pallarés Fdez.

elconfidencial.comgrist.orgSarah Foo blog.

retrieved from the interned n.d. / unverified


  1. the truth is that this post seems very interesting to me and I also totally agree, the human being has been polluting the Earth for so long, and as soon as Coronavirus appeared, the nature cleansed itself, which shows that nature is incredibly strong. It's also amazing how pollution is disappearing in big cities, for example in Barcelona, where pollution has been reduced more than 83%. I think Earth is recovering what is its, and that's amazing.
    And also, the humans we have to care more about the environment, and from now, just walk forward.

    1. Maybe we should regard this pandemic as a warning, as you seem to suggest, too.
