Monday, January 20, 2020

Upstream against Brain-washing

A favor del derecho de los padres a decidir sobre la participación de sus hijos en actividades extraescolares que impliquen cuestiones morales

Constitución española de 1978
Artículo 27.3
Los poderes públicos garantizan el derecho que asiste a los padres para que sus hijos reciban la formación religiosa y moral que esté de acuerdo con sus propias convicciones.

Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos
Artículo 26.3
Los padres tienen derecho prioritario a elegir el tipo de educación que se dará a sus hijos.

La neutralidad no existe. 

El sistema educativo no garantiza la neutralidad y no previene el adoctrinamiento. Respetar el derecho constitucional y democrático de los padres a decidir directamente sobre qué actividades de índole moral incluir en la programación anual de centro es establecer un mecanismo de control más para impedir el abuso ideológico y el adoctrinamiento introduciendo un nuevo actante. En la práctica docente supondrá complicaciones; a cambio, convertiremos las actividades de educación moral y en valores en espacios de consenso y encuentro y no de sesgo y enfrentamiento.

In favor of the right of parents to decide on the participation of their kids in educational activities that involve moral questions

Spanish Constitution 1978
Art. 27.3
Public authorities warrant the right of parents that their children receive the kind of moral and religious education that better suits their own beliefs.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Art. 26.3
Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Neutrality is not for granted. 

The Spanish educative system (like others) does not warrant neutrality, does not prevent indoctrination. Respecting the constitutional right of parents to decide what actitivities concerning morals suit their children, would enable parents to monitor such activities too and thus set up another quality control against the plausible temptation to brain-wash our children. Indeed, it will also make teaching more difficult but, in return, activities concerning morals will change from the politically biassed space for boosters and indoctrination they are likely into a safe space to meet and agree.

There are many recent videos to illustrate the point, but the latter is one of my favorites. Worth translating.

Hay muchos vídeos recientes para ilustrar la cuestión, pero el anterior es uno de mis favoritos. Digno de traducir. Ahí lo dejo.


  1. Okay, I agree because I think the text that you write express perfectly how some kids or even teenagers feels about the fact that every thought that we had been taught its have to take part of the government or the state where we live, a few weeks ago there was a controversy here in Murcia. After all, the government decided to put one law called "PIN PARENTAL" that take reference to decide if you allow your kids to have a speech of some topics like the LGTB community or sexuality. So my point in this is that how the picture already said we belong to the government or our parents, and there are some parents some that don let them chose.

  2. I like your view. Solution to alienation of the self? Both school and family should help the youngsters develop critical thinking because everything is somewhat biased. My advice? Suspect everything, everybody, yourself included.
